
You can use AppendGrid with serveral modern SVG / WebFont icons on buttons.

Bootstrap Icons

See the Pen v2-Bootstrap4 bootstrap-icons by Albert L. (@hkalbertl) on CodePen.

Font Awesome

See the Pen v2-Bootstrap4 FontAwesome5 by Albert L. (@hkalbertl) on CodePen.


See the Pen v2-Bootstrap4 Ionicons4 by Albert L. (@hkalbertl) on CodePen.

Material Design Icons

See the Pen v2-Bootstrap4 MaterialDesignIcons3 by Albert L. (@hkalbertl) on CodePen.

Typicons 2

See the Pen v2-Bootstrap4 Typicons2 by Albert L. (@hkalbertl) on CodePen.

Open Iconic

See the Pen v2-Bootstrap4 Open Iconic by Albert L. (@hkalbertl) on CodePen.


Wish to use another icon on buttons? Sure, adjust the `icons` in `iconParams` and set the icon you wanted!

See the Pen v2-Bootstrap4 FontAwesome5 Custom by Albert L. (@hkalbertl) on CodePen.